The financial aid timeline provides an overview of the financial aid process from when you first apply for financial aid in the fall to receiving your financial aid each term before classes start. These dates are generally the same each term.
- Submit Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), which is typically available October 1 in the year prior (For example October 1, 2022 for 2023-24). Please note that due to FAFSA Simplification, the 2025-26 FAFSA may not be available until December 1, 2024.
- New accepted traditional undergraduate students: Financial aid packaging will be mailed and emailed beginning in November (Note: due to delay of FAFSA, packaging for 2025-26 may be delayed until January)
- Students can accept their financial aid as well as terms and conditions on their Financial Aid Portal (
- Complete any pending requirements on the Financial Aid under requirements and messages.
- Search for outside private scholarships via local businesses, foundations, and organizations or scholarship search engines
- You will automatically be considered for scholarship funds from Admissions, and our office when we review your academic records and FAFSA
- Returning undergraduate, adult, and graduate students: Financial aid packaging will be emailed beginning in March.
April – June
- PA State deadline for FAFSA is May 1st
- Students utilizing Federal Direct Loans should complete Entrance Counseling and Master Promissory Note at
- New traditional undergraduate students: Schedule with a Registration Coach for course registration
- Returning students may begin registering for next fall in April
- Set up your NelNet eBilling account via myGeneva. You may add an “authorized party” for eBilling (i.e: parent, legal guardian)
- Update your Family Education Rights and Privacy (FERPA) permissions on myGeneva student information section
- Monitor your Financial Aid Portal for any requirements and messages
- Submit final high school or transfer college transcripts to Admissions
- Fall eBilling will be emailed to student’s Geneva email address and directed to NelNet eBilling via myGeneva student financial services section
- Payment plan sign up available via NelNet eBilling
- Secure additional loan options (i.e. private or Plus loans)
- Notify our office of any outside scholarships
- Fall tuition due on August 9 (estimate)
- Financial aid disburses to student account 3 days prior to class start, unless otherwise noted
- Move in and classes begin late August – Welcome!